Game Dominion Players & Time 24 players Best with 3 Recommended with 2,3,4 players 30 min Preparation Choose 10 of the 25 card piles to play with If someone is new to the game, select the combination suggested by the manual for the first game This forms the supply Place these cards in the middle of the play area face up with the bottomFeb 19, 21 · When you open the Dominion box for the first time and take a glance at its components, you may feel like you're about to embark on a complicated endeavor along the lines of Talisman or Sid Meier's Civilization The Board Game (both allday affairs, the latter of which is, as one HowStuffWorks staff member put it, probably more timeconsuming than building an actualThe tiles are twopart with a number of spots from 0 to 6 Features live opponents, game rooms, rankings, extensive stats, user profiles, contact lists, private messaging, game records, support for mobile devices Games Played During The Pandemic Dominion And Others In Other ...